
So I’m turning sixty on July 3!

Sixty feels a little bit terrifying and completely impossible. Sixty doesn’t even make sense in my brain! And I kind of don't want to go it alone.

So I came up with this idea to write about one person a day for the next 60 days. Someone who touched my heart, or helped me out, or made a connection somewhere in my life.

Because I'm looking for a little connection these days. And a fun lead-up to turning 60.

Who knows if I can even keep this up for 60 days?!  Ha – I guess I’ll find out.

40. The Honda Guy
Amy Koren Amy Koren

40. The Honda Guy

So this day I had agreed to call my sister, and I was running late, and I popped out of the car and started my walk. OMG! WTF? I have never in my 43 years of driving

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39. Mara
Amy Koren Amy Koren

39. Mara

As a mom, efficiency was my watchword. And one way to save tons of time in my hectic mom-day was for all socks to be the same. Can you imagine how much time it would take If I had to

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38. Grandaddy
Amy Koren Amy Koren

38. Grandaddy

Grandaddy was tall and quiet and had a stillness about him. And as a kid, I loved being with him, because he would give me

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37. Jill
Amy Koren Amy Koren

37. Jill

You know what is better than getting a new hairstyle? Nothing! And why is getting our hair cut so great? Because

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36. Nola
Amy Koren Amy Koren

36. Nola

Nola always had a green pass. A green pass meant you were a really good and responsible and amazing person, which

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35. The Geronimo Song
Amy Koren Amy Koren

35. The Geronimo Song

I’ve had this song stuck in my head for DAYS and I still love it. I first heard it on TikTok, when Greg showed me someone he follows (the UK kitchen dancer?) dancing to this song. And I instantly

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34. Granny Jenkins
Amy Koren Amy Koren

34. Granny Jenkins

The first thing about Granny Jenkins is she was small, which was very handy when I was small, because she seemed very manageable. The second thing about Granny Jenkins is

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33. Yvonne
Amy Koren Amy Koren

33. Yvonne

Most people probably had girlfriends, but I really didn’t. I had man-friends and couple-friends and work-friends and family. But somehow I’d

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32. Shawn
Amy Koren Amy Koren

32. Shawn

You know how sometimes one choice changes everything? Choosing this college, moving to that city? Buying this house, marrying that guy? One day in March

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31. Joan
Amy Koren Amy Koren

31. Joan

When I was the ripe old age of twenty-one, I was getting ready to graduate from Ohio Wesleyan University, and I needed a job. My boyfriend

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30. Estelle Godsman
Amy Koren Amy Koren

30. Estelle Godsman

Whenever I’m feeling too tired or not tired enough, stressed, mad, sad, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, or really when I’m feeling any feeling I don’t feel like feeling, I turn to

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29.  Sandra Easter
Amy Koren Amy Koren

29. Sandra Easter

Just 3 months after birthing my first human I had enormous good luck. I went to a mother’s exercise class I found listed in the City Paper. It was

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28. Mrs. Boyd
Amy Koren Amy Koren

28. Mrs. Boyd

In 10th grade I moved to Delaware, Ohio and joined the marching band. We went off to band camp the week before school started, because if

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27. Sam Harris
Amy Koren Amy Koren

27. Sam Harris

“Approaching circles eight and nine, Dante braces himself to encounter the worst sinners of all . . .

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26. Sweet Ride
Amy Koren Amy Koren

26. Sweet Ride

We stepped into Sweet Ride and I knew it was one of those places. It looked charming from the outside and felt charming on the inside

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25. The Muyskens
Amy Koren Amy Koren

25. The Muyskens

As a kid I had the feeling that being with the Muyskens was really living life. When our families were together it had the quality of completeness. It always felt like an

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24. Uber & Lyft
Amy Koren Amy Koren

24. Uber & Lyft

I read this headline recent. And it made my heart grow three sizes. “Uber and Lyft will offer

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23. Glennon
Amy Koren Amy Koren

23. Glennon

Me, my Mom, my sister, and my daughter all gathered at the Maine cabin for a wonderful week away from the monotonous nothingness of pandemic life. I packed up my

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22. Grammie Susie
Amy Koren Amy Koren

22. Grammie Susie

Grammie Susie was perfect. Grammie Susie was southern. Grammie Susie grew up on a plantation in Georgia. Grammie Susie was my dad’s mother. She was not

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